Luca DiGrigoli

Artist, and second-year Computer Science student at Binghamton University

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I'm proud to be a verified artist on several music streaming platforms, including Spotiy, Apple Music, YouTube Music and many more. Below are just some of my several musical projects:

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    In August of 2021, I released my first studio album titled "521." It features my first 10 songs, such as "Lose Your Mind," "Apologize," and more. Check it out here!
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    "Valerie" is a work of love dedicated to that special someone you're still finding. This song is not only one of my proudest compositions, it is my first work to reach over 10,000 streams! Stream "Valerie" here!
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    The Untitled EP...
    An EP is currently in the works, featuring more new originals, and I'm looking to release it soon! Though there's no formal release date yet, in anticipation of its release, you can follow me for updates!

Bands and Such:

Making music solo is fun, but it's even better with others! Below are some of the groups I'm happy to be a part of:

Binghamton Treblemakers

Recently, I've had the pleasure of becoming a member of Binghamton's Alt-Rock Accapella group Treblemakers!

Check us out!


Coming to you live from Long Island, Jesters is a pop-rock band featuring myself, and my best friends Robert, Colin, and Eddie. We're looking to play live and release on Spotify soon! (Art by Colin Dowd!)

You'll find more about us on our band website! (In Development)

Why did I make this?

I made this because I believe having a place to showcase my work is important. That being said, I refuse to have it made for me by some template like or something. As a computer science major, I made the decision that I'd learn how to make a website for myself. That's why, at least for now, this website is gonna be riddled with broken buttons and links that don't work.

Thanks for being here, I hope eventually to make something super awesome!

Oh, what is this?

You actually scrolled to the bottom!
As a special thanks, here's a surprise!

Let's keep in touch!

For any inquiries, projects, or even just to say hi, you can reach me at:

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